Video Analytics For Healthcare and Hospitals

Manage traffic flow, optimize venue layout, ensure compliance with health code regulations and improve security, all ultimately driving increased revenue.

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Deliver outstanding patient care

Utilize video analytics to continuously watch patients and send out alerts for dangers, falls, and distress. To improve scheduling, building layouts, equipment purchases, and maintenance, as well as the accessibility of treatment and advisory services, analyze facility usage and personnel demand over time.

Restricted area protection

Assist in preventing theft, securing property against invaders, and much more. Detect unauthorized entry to restricted areas to reduce serious security risks to infrastructure and data resources.

Abnormality detection

Identify any vacant equipment that can cause snarl-ups and delays, such as empty wheelchairs, beds, or trolleys left in hallways. Confirm that the object is not being used by a patient so that the personnel can promptly aid a patient who slips and falls, crouches, or hunches over for an extended period of time.

Face recognition

Face recognition with age and gender identification can be applied to cameras at the doors to stop elderly patients, such as those with dementia, from unintentionally leaving the long-term care facility without the necessary attendants.

Face search

Only take a few seconds to search for and find misplaced patients, even senior ones, reducing the likelihood of patients being hurt.

Patient's vital monitoring

Better monitor patients by automatically extracting data like blood pressure, weight, and vital signs from devices.

Who We Serve

Social Media

Enhance audience experiences, shorten video production cycles, and increase efficiency with video data for social media publishing.


Enhance the delivery of promo, trailer, or intro videos. Help organize marketing video footage. Deliver a brand experience with logo monitoring.


Harness video intelligence to create and organize video content for schools, colleges, universities, and online learning platforms.


Enable comprehensive, prompt, and unintrusive security for staff and patients by providing watchful eyes with tirelessly high performance.


Promote safe and efficient operations at warehouses. Derive intelligence from current manufacturing video surveillance and analytics.


Leverage video data for business intelligence to understand consumer analytics and visualize trends and in-store traffic patterns.


Improve operations and guest experience, prevent security events and improve investigations. Monitor passenger and traffic flow.

Smart & Safe Cities

Deliver safe and sustainable cities by reducing crime, optimizing pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow, monitoring trends, and enabling response.

Law Enforcement

Optimize and speed up video investigations with rapid review and search, while enabling security and ensuring public safety.

See the simplest video management and analytics platform in action.

DigIntu Tech Ltd

Hermanova 61

17000 Prague

Czech Republic

EU VAT-ID CZ05233518

Registered in Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, folder 260406.

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